There is a growing consensus that our planet is fast approaching an energy crisis that will rival any that came before. To be sure, there have been energy crises in the past: in the 1500s many English froze to death when there was a coal shortage in London. In China during the Maoist led 'great leap forward'-- when every household was ordered to produce cast iron in the back yard-- many rural residents suffered from depleted energy supplies. So, energy shortages are nothing new to the world.
But what IS new is that the world is highly dependent on
global energy markets, and when even slight imbalances occur (as
in Summer of 2008), the energy price spikes can become terribly
disruptive. What is the answer, more drilling? More
globalized markets? Perhaps. But we believe part of the answer
to the problem will be found in better use of our natural energy
supplies, those that are renewable. What are we talking
about? Those resources that don't require expensive
processing or global transport: solar, wind, geothermal, natural
gas, biomass, tidal. Of course, if global warming becomes
an increasing concern, then nuclear sources of energy may become
an important future source. But, few communities can
afford to build a nuclear power plant. Not so for almost
all the other forms of energy. Local communities, perhaps
as local as county governments, can build wind farms and solar
fields. In some energy rich regions, counties can sink
natural gas wells and build local pipelines. In short, we
advocate a more NATURAL approach to bridging the looming gap
between global energy supplies and local energy demand.